Play Matters: Occupational Therapy Insights

Published on

10 December 2024

Category: Occupational Therapy

child bouncing on a ball

“Play is the work of children” – Jean Piaget.  

Childhood is a time for learning and growing. As babies and young children, we rely on our caregivers for everything from feeding and nappy changes to comfort and safety. As we grow, we gradually learn to be more independent, mastering skills like getting dressed, using the toilet, and making friends. But perhaps the most important part of childhood is play. It’s not just about fun and games; play is vital for a child’s cognitive, emotional, and social development. Through play, kids discover that there are often multiple solutions to a problem, learn to appreciate different perspectives, and practise their communication skills as they negotiate with friends. That’s why, in Occupational Therapy, we focus on play as both the means and the goal of our work with children.

What is Play?

Think about when you were a kid … how would you play?  Some children really enjoy construction, building detailed cityscapes with blocks or other mediums.  Some children are more drawn to outdoor play, climbing forts or playing competitive games with clear rules. Visiting Kindergartens, it’s not uncommon to see children in intense negotiations about roles, pretending to be mums and dads and puppies, organising with each other to cook dinner in their home corners. Play really can be so many different things, and so the literature describes play as a collection of shared characteristics as follows:

  • Self-chosen and self-directed
  • Intrinsically motivated (so the child experiences enjoyment as a direct result of the play, not because there is an external reward)
  • Free from externally imposed rules.   
  • The play is done in a relaxed but alert state of mind

When play is truly play, and the child is driving their own interests at their own pace, they are able to develop many skills which aren’t observed in the same way when children are engaged in adult directed play.  

child playing with tea cups in occupational therapy

The Decline of Play in Childhood

Over the past 50 to 60 years, there has been a notable decline in the freedom and opportunities for children to engage in self-directed play. Reflecting on the 1950s, children enjoyed a balanced school day, which included six hours of education and two hours dedicated to outdoor play. This era allowed children to explore, create, and socialise freely without adult interference or homework burdening their after-school time. Today’s children often participate in structured sports activities outside of school hours, where they are directed by coaches and are required to follow specific guidelines. Screen time has in many instances replaced free play outdoors.  The decline in unstructured play can be attributed to several factors, but in particular there has been an increased emphasis on academic achievement guided by adults and heightened concerns about safety that discourage unsupervised community play. While both academic and sporting activities are beneficial, they lack the self-directed quality that defines true play. This shift from free play to structured activities has diminished the educative power of play, which thrives on autonomy and creativity.   This shift has inadvertently narrowed the scope of children’s educational experiences, limiting their opportunities for self-directed exploration and development.

The Consequences of Limited Play

Play is more than just a pastime for children—it’s a fundamental part of their growth and future well-being. Today’s children face challenges that can affect their journey toward becoming well-rounded adults. Here’s why play is so important and how its absence can impact a child’s life:

When children don’t have enough opportunities for play, their ability to develop essential skills for adulthood can be limited. Play encourages creativity, joy, and important skills related to problem-solving, communication, and social-emotional health. Without ample playtime, children may struggle in these areas, affecting their overall development.

Recent trends show that more children are experiencing mental health challenges than in the past. Many report feeling less control over their lives, and play offers one of the few ways for them to exercise control and independence, which is crucial for their mental well-being.

Without play and stable, nurturing relationships, children may experience increased stress that can disrupt their learning and social skills. This is especially important during difficult times. Play not only provides a fun escape but also fosters meaningful interactions between parents and children, as well as among peers. These supportive exchanges help children manage stress and promote better emotional health.

Making sure children have plenty of opportunities for play and nurturing relationships is vital for their growth and happiness. By focusing on these aspects, we can help address the challenges they face and guide them toward a brighter, more fulfilling future.

Unlock Your Child’s Play Potential: How Occupational Therapy Can Help

Engaging your child in play is more than just fun—it’s crucial for their development. If you’re looking to support your child’s growth through play, booking a session with an occupational therapist could be the key. Here’s why:

Every child is unique, and so are their needs when it comes to play. An occupational therapist can provide individualised adaptations, interactions, prompts, or supports based on your child’s age and developmental level. Whether your child is a toddler just beginning to explore or an older child with specific developmental needs, an occupational therapist will conduct detailed assessments and tailor strategies to fit their unique profile. Thus, offering personalised recommendations to enhance your child’s play experience and support their overall development. 

Here are some example case studies of what the occupational therapy process might look like when driven by play-based goals:

Supporting Pretend Play Development in Kindergarten: A Case Study

A mother reported that her four-year-old son has been labelled as disruptive during free playtime at kindergarten. The child often isolates himself in the sandpit, repetitively filling buckets with sand. When he does interact with his peers, it’s often perceived in a negative way, such as stomping on sandcastles. This is quite upsetting for his peers as these sandcastles represent cities for their workers and trucks. However, this behaviour indicated that the child was likely still developing the ability to self-initiate pretend play that is typical for his age. 

Understanding what pretend play skills are expected at different developmental stages  aids parents, educators, and therapists in understanding where a child may need support. To better understand the child’s developmental level in pretend play, a therapist may choose to implement Karen Stagnetti’s Pretend Play Enjoyment Developmental Checklist (PPE-DC). This tool helps assess a child’s ability to self-initiate a range of pretend play skills:

  • Play Scripts – Creating stories within their play.
  • Sequencing Play Actions – Organising play actions in a logical order (e.g., building a castle, putting a figurine in a car, and the car driving around the castle).
  • Doll/Teddy Play – Using toys like dolls, teddies, or figurines as characters in the play.
  • Role Play – Taking on the role of someone else (e.g., pretending to be a doctor, parent, or a firefighter).
  • Object Substitution – Using objects as symbols (e.g., a block as a phone or a piece of paper as a blanket).
  • Social Pretend Play – Engaging in cooperative play, that is, communicating and negotiating roles or play actions with peers.

To help this child progress, the therapist may engage him in targeted interventions like Learn to Play Therapy. This involves the therapist modelling skills that match his current developmental stage. For example, they might join him in the sandpit, showing how to build sandcastles collaboratively, while gradually introducing more complex pretend play skills. However, the goal is to avoid having the child simply imitate “scripts” and instead guide him to genuinely understand how to create his own play narratives. Therefore, as the child becomes more comfortable, the therapist can introduce more complex play skills whilst modelling them in various ways. 

This approach offers a structured way to assess and build upon a child’s play abilities, helping them reach their full potential in both the kindergarten setting and beyond.

Supporting the development of Functional Play: A Case Study. 

A three-year-old girl, diagnosed with autism, was referred to occupational therapy because she reportedly wasn’t engaging with any of the toys in her playroom. Upon observation in the clinic, the therapist noted that she preferred engaging in sensory-seeking behaviours like spinning in circles and running her hands along furniture, walls, and floors. This gave important insights into her sensory preferences but also highlighted the gap in her functional play abilities.

Functional play involves the ability to use toys, objects, and items designed for play in the ways they are intended. Common functional play actions include:

  • Inserting objects (e.g., shape sorters, puzzles)
  • Stacking items (e.g., rings, blocks)
  • Pressing buttons on cause-and-effect toys to activate sound, light, or movement
  • Building/assembling (e.g., Duplo blocks)
  • Driving or rolling cars, trains, or trucks
  • Emptying containers and placing items inside
  • Throwing balls or other objects
  • Scribbling with crayons or drawing tools

These activities might seem simple, but for a child with autism, they can present a challenge due to differences in sensory processing, motor planning, and attention.

To support this child’s development of functional play, an occupational therapist may choose to implement the DIR/Floortime model. This is a child-led approach that is centred around the child’s developmental level and interests. In this approach, the therapist first sets up the play environment with a variety of toys that cater to the child’s sensory preferences and developmental needs. By offering a range of toys, the therapist encourages the child to select what interests her most.

Once the child shows interest in a particular toy, the therapist joins in by mimicking the child’s behaviour, whether it be in movement, affect, or vocalisations. This helps establish rapport and create a sense of connection. From there, the therapist begins to model functional play actions—such as rolling a toy car or inserting a shape into a sorter—for the child to imitate or expand upon. This method allows the child to lead the way while providing gentle guidance toward functional play.

One critical aspect of this process is considering the child’s sensory needs. Children with autism spectrum disorder often experience sensory differences, significantly impacting their ability to engage in play. In this case, the therapist needed to create an environment that would optimise the child’s arousal levels for participation. This might mean providing sensory input like deep pressure, calming visuals, or rhythmic sounds to help the child regulate and focus on play.

Through this approach, the therapist helps the child develop not only functional play skills but also broader developmental abilities, such as social interaction, communication, and motor coordination. By meeting the child where she is, both developmentally and sensory wise, the therapist opens the door to new opportunities for learning.

playing pick up sticks


In a world where children’s playtime is becoming more structured, it’s important to appreciate the valuable role of unstructured play in fostering creativity, social skills, and emotional well-being. This blog highlights how essential play is for child development and the noticeable decline of self-directed play in recent years. If your child is struggling with play or could benefit from additional support, an occupational therapist can provide tailored assessments and guidance to help them thrive. Consider reaching out to explore how this support can enhance your child’s play experience and overall development!

Links to further information

The following websites and articles are provided for caregivers who would like more information about child development and supporting their child’s gross motor development. 

Raising Children Network

A comprehensive online resource for Australian parents providing information on child development, health, and parenting strategies, including information on toilet training.

Website: Raising Children Network

The American Academy of Paediatricians

This website has lots of information about child development and general support for kids, including playful ideas to support gross motor development.  

Website: Healthy Children Website 

Child Development Institute

Provides articles and resources on child development and interventions for children with developmental delays. 

Website: Child Development Institute


The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) website is an online platform for professionals, educators and families providing research, publications and professional development in high quality early education.

Website: National Association for the Education of Young Children 

Play as an Occupation in Occupational Therapy

The article discusses the significance of play within the context of occupational therapy, highlighting its role as a fundamental occupation for children. Lynch and Moore emphasize the therapeutic value of play in promoting holistic well-being and enhancing engagement in meaningful activities.

Lynch, H., & Moore, A. (2016). Play as an occupation in occupational therapy. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 79(9), 519–520.

The importance of play in promoting healthy child development and maintaining strong parent-child bonds.

This article reviews the role of play in fostering healthy child development and strong bonds between parents and children. It emphasises the multifaceted benefits of play in promoting physical, cognitive, social, and emotional well-being in children while facilitating meaningful parent-child interactions.

Ginsburg, K. R., & Committee on Communications, & Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health. (2007). The importance of play in promoting healthy child development and maintaining strong parent-child bonds. Pediatrics, 119(1), 182–191.

The power of play: A paediatric role in enhancing development in young children

This article discusses the role of play in promoting healthy development in young children, and highlights the professional responsibility of those involved in the care of young responsibility in advocating for and facilitating opportunities for play.

Yogman, M., Garner, A., Hutchinson, J., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Golinkoff, R. M., COMMITTEE ON PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS OF CHILD AND FAMILY HEALTH, COUNCIL ON COMMUNICATIONS AND MEDIA, Baum, R., Gambon, T., Lavin, A., Mattson, G., Wissow, L., Hill, D. L., Ameenuddin, N., Chassiakos, Y. R., Cross, C., Boyd, R., Mendelson, R., Moreno, M. A., Radesky, J., Swanson, W. S., … Smith, J. (2018). The power of play: A pediatric role in enhancing development in young children. *Pediatrics, 142*(3), e20182058.

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